In the log, I would filter for only the Access process and see if you receive any Access Denied messages in the log file for the problematic user. You could ensure the specific user has the proper permission to this temp folder and / or take a process monitor log on the machine when testing this with a problematic user. Its temp file in (this may be slightly different on a terminal server). +>I ran a process monitor log while going through the SendObject steps on my end and it appears Access is using a temp folder similar to the one below to create +>Do the problematic users have a default printer setup for them? What happens if you switch to a different default printer? What is this exact error message and what steps are you using to generate this error?

+>You also mentioned you are receiving an error when you try and view a report. +>What is the default mail client on these machines? Does this work or do you receive an error? If you receive an error, what is the exact error message you are receiving. Then with that Word document open, click on the File menu and chose Save & Send -> and then click Save As Attachment.
As a test, please open Word and create a simple sample document and save it. +>For these specific users, are you able to use the SendObject command from other Office applications. I am unable to examine this problem any further now that it has gone away. My theory is that the problem users had cached rights settings, and that this cache now has timed out and the rights have been refreshed causing the problem to go away (just my theory). I think the part may change - probably if the same user logs on more than once (unsure of the rules here). On a terminal server the TEMP points to a folder like this: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\ ( f.ex.: C:\. This is differently handled on a terminal server than on a workstation. I am quite sure the problem was connected to access rights to the %TEMP% folder. I haven't tried with Word because the problem went away before I could try. Only Access had problems creating a document. I tried manually to create a file and edit it in %TEMP% ( %TMP% was equal to %TEMP%) without any problems. The Err.Number was 2501 if I remember correctly. The error messages we received was "SendObject was cancelled" and "OpenReport was cancelled". OutlookTempCleaner can detect and empty Outlook’s Secure Temp folder automatically for you.The problem we experienced has gone away by itself! Now both Send with attachment and run report works. OutlookTempCleaner focuses only on dealing with the SecureTempFolder and can also be used in (corporate) login and logoff scripts to clean up the folder without any end-user interaction. OutlookTools offers besides locating, opening and cleaning up the SecureTempFolder also quite a lot of additional features to troubleshoot and tweak Outlook.
Still not easy enough or just don’t want to go in the Registry to find the folder location? I’ve created two free tools which can do the trick as well. Paste the found path in the address bar of File Explorer to easily get to the folder. Paste the address in the Address Bar and press Enter.